TI-83/84 Programs

If you are using a TI-84+ Color, some of these prorgams will not format properly on your calculator. Click Here to go to another page where all programs have been formatted for the TI-84+ Color.

The following TI-83/84 programs require a USB cable and software from Texas Instruments so you can transfer them from your computer to your calculator. You can download the software from Texas Instruments.
You need the TI Connect software.
DO NOT use the TI Connect CE version.

Texas instruments updates the software from time to time so the instructions below may not exactly match what you see.

Instructions for using the TI-Connect software with a
Mac to transfer programs

(pdf file)
Instructions for capturing TI-83/84 Screen Shots with a Mac
(pdf file)
Instructions for using the TI-Connect software with a
PC (transfer and Screen Shots)

(pdf file)

Download All Files as a ZIPPED File

Program Name Description
Clean * Clean is a simple program that resets most of the calculator defauts. It does not delete any lists or variables. It turns the axis back on, turns off all functions and statplots, clears the draw and homescreen.
FLSD* Fisher's Least Significant Difference. Multiple comparison technique for ANOVA.
Freqdist ** Freqdist will produce a frequency distribution of data stored in a list. You can specify the class widths along with the starting point.
Goodfit * Goodfit is a program written to calculate the chi-squared value, along with the p-value, for a goodness of fit test. The program will read data and theoretical probabilities from two different lists or allow you to directly input the information.
KWTest* KWTest is the Kruskal-Wallis test. Kruskal-Wallis is a nonparametric alternative to one-way ANOVA when the assumptions for one-way ANOVA have been violated. Unlike another program for the TI-83 floating around with the same name, this program will allow for different sample sizes.
Normplot * Normplot is a normal probability plot. The problem with the normal probability plot on the TI-83 is (a) it lacks a reference line and (b) it lacks a p-value. Normplot takes care of the reference line problem ... still working on a p-value.
Nrmhst * Nrmhst stands for Normal-Histogram. This program will read your data from a list and produce a histogram, using the TI-83's histogram function. It will then superimpose a normal curve. The normal curve is based on the sample mean and standard deviation from your list and then scaled along the y-axis.
OddsCI * Computes an odds ratio based on a 2x2 table along with an associated confidence interval.
PredCI * Computes a prediction interval for Simple Linear Regression.
Ranksum *** Ranksum is Wilcoxon's Rank Sum for 2 independent data sets. It amounts to a t-test computed on the ranks, rather than the actual data.
RhoCI * Calculates a confidence interval for the population correlation coefficient.  You supply it with the sample correlation, sample size, and alpha. The confidence interval is calculated based on Fisher's z-transformation.
Samplesz* Calculates sample size for one sample z-tests for the mean and proportions.
Shadnorm * Shadnorm will ask for the mean, standard deviation, upper and lower bounds, then produce a normal curve shading in the selected region reporting the area under the curve. It is the same as the TI-83's ShadeNorm command with the exception that it properly sets the window size. The problem with ShadeNorm function built into the TI-83 is that the student has to figure out Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, and Ymax. Although it may be desirable for a student to do this once or twice, it can be a royal hassle after awhile.
SignRank *** SignRank is Wilcoxon's Sign Rank test for two dependent data sets.
SignTest *** Nonparametric Sign test for the median based on data in a list.

Requires ZZRank.

SRCorr * Spearman's Correlation Coefficient. Calculates Spearman's correlation coefficient based on data in a list.

Requires ZZRank.

StemPlot ** Provides a stem-and-leaf display for one or two data sets (back to back). Stem-power of 2 corresponds to data of the form 10^2 (100, 123, 217, ...) , stem power of 1 corresponds to data of the form 10^1 (18, 23, 97, 15, ... ), stem power of 0 corresponds to data of the form 10^0 (1.2, 5.1, 3.6, 7.4, ... ), stem power of -1 corresponds to data of the form 10^(-1) (0.15, 0.27, 0.31, 0.11, ... ).
TTestRho * Completes a hypotheses test using the t statistic for a sample correlation coefficient.
ZZRank ** Program needed for many nonparametric programs.

* Denotes programs written by Brian Jean (Taft College, Taft California) and/or David Meyers (Bakersfield College, Bakersfield California). 

** Denotes programs obtained from: http://www.hsu.edu/default.aspx?id=3617 with permission of the author, Michael Lloyd.

*** Denotes programs obtained from the above source and heavily modified by Brian Jean and David Meyers

Copyright & Disclaimer Statement

The programs written by David Meyers and/or Brian Jean and placed at this website are copyrighted. All programs may be distributed without obtaining permission provided they are distributed free of charge.  Written permission is required if any programs are to be included in a book or any electronic format which is to be sold. Likewise, the other programs are also copyrighted. Contact the author at http://www.hsu.edu/default.aspx?id=2538 for distribution permissions.